Educational Laboratory no. 1 was established in 1400 as the School of the School of Advanced Technologies moved to the site of the School building in Rahmatieh Complex with the efforts of the experienced faculty members of the School.
For the development of the physical space, increase of the equipment and improvement of the laboratory techniques, another space (Educational Laboratory no. 2) was considered for the establishment of cell culture departments.
Currently, the two laboratories are located on the second floor of the School of Advanced Technologies.
- Providing necessary conditions and laboratory facilities to facilitate educational and research processes;
- Satisfying the educational and research needs of students, researchers and professors;
- Promotion and development of educational and research activities;
-Production of knowledge;
- Empowering students and researchers in doing educational and research work;
- Providing scientific resources.
In addition to training students and researchers at different levels and expanding student research as the main focus of their activity Educational Laboratories no. 1 and 2 of the School are trying to teach development skills in the fields of communication and scientific thinking; and promote innovative skills, entrepreneurship, as well as professional culture and ethics in the educational setting and train efficient and committed-to-society workforce.
Research priorities:
1) Basic and applied research in genetics, epigenetics and gene therapy with the aim of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of prioritized diseases;
2) Basic and applied research in advanced technologies related to stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine;
3) Basic and applied research in cognitive sciences;
4) Basic and applied research in nano, such as the construction and preparation of various scaffolds;
5) Basic and applied research in personalized medicine;
6) Biomedical data mining;
7) Cellular and molecular signals in the development, treatment and resistance of cancer;
8) Investigation and screening of biomarkers related to common diseases;
9) Application of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine in the treatment of various diseases (heart and blood vessels, brain and nerves, bones and joints, skin, cancers, etc.);
10) Using nanotechnology research in laboratory and clinical models to treat diseases;
11) Application of new techniques and methods for early and timely diagnosis of diseases;
12) The anti-drug resistance effects of natural compounds for cancer treatment;
13) The antioxidant and antigenotoxic effects of natural products
14) Design and development of molecular and biological diagnostic and therapeutic methods for diseases;
15) New methods of drug delivery, gene therapy and cell therapy;
16) Systems biology studies with the aim of better understanding the processes related to pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of diseases;
17) Production, evaluation and formulation of recombinant and biological products;
18) Application of nanotechnology in biological sciences and biomedicine;
19) Bioinformatics studies to analyze gene expression;
20) Vaccine design;
21) Manipulation.
Main equipment: 
- Vertical electrophoresis package
- Gel documentation system (dual UV/LED)
- Class II biosafety cabinet (class II laminar flow) JTLVC2X
- Variable sampler set
- Stand sampler-V3
- Refrigerated centrifuge
- Horizontal electrophoresis package
- Digital scale (3 decimal place)
- Multipurpose analyzer (plate reader and nanodrop, LSPR and spectrophotometer)
- Universal 320R refrigerated centrifuge
- Vortex
- Complete electrophoresis blotting package
- Measurement of contact angle (static and dynamic), surface energy and surface tension
- Digital scale (4 decimal place)
- Digital scale (3 decimal place)
- Multipurpose analyzer (plate reader and nanodrop, LSPR and spectrophotometer)
- Universal 320R refrigerated centrifuge
- Falcon 35 degree conical rotor 9000 rpm with 6 adapters 15 mL and 6 Falcon adapters 50 mL
- Microfuge
- Intelligent CO2 incubator 100 L
- Fully automatic rotary microtome and DS9502 microtome and intelligent Tissue Sensing system
- Gradient thermocycler
- Autoclave 100 L
- Malvern Zetasizer
- 3D biological printer (bioprinter) with high and low-temperature print module and optical, UV crossing module and silent compressor
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Last Update 07/01/2023
Postal Address: Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd., Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: +98-38-33349509
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