History of School

The School of Advanced Technologies (SAT) was established in 2017/2/12 as a portion of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. School of Advanced Technologies is focusing wholly on Novel Sciences, Inovation, Patent registration, Technology Transfer and Commercialization. The education and research activities of this School are taking palce 3 novel fileds of knowledge including Medical Biotechnology, Molecular Medicine and Tissue Engineering & Applied Cell Sciences.

Furthermore, we are offering studies at two levels of MSc and PhD. This Faculty has more than 50 students following further education in various fileds of Advanced Technologies. The education and research curriculums are hoped to advance toward reducing the gap between University and Industry in medical sciences. 
Advanced Medical Sciences are multi-disiplinary fileds that need to collaborate with other researchers. This Faculty collaborates with other Research Centers and Faculties in Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences and other Universities in Iran and the world to share its scientific findings.
The School of Advanced Technologies has eleven full-time faculty members in overall Departments. 
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Last Update 07/01/2023
Postal Address: Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd., Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: +98-38-33349509
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